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Cat’s Claw – immune strengthener

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Cat’s Claw – Uncaria tomentosa is a plant that grows in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest.

Properties attributed to Cat’s Claw are:

  • adaptogenic;
  • anti-microbial;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-viral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-tumor.

Dr. Brent Davis describes Cat’s Claw as a “pioneer” referring to its ability to detoxify the intestinal tract and to treat various diseases of the stomach and abdominal area (Cat’s Claw News, May / June 1995). Referring to Cat’s Claw, the  famous Newsweek magazine reports that this plant has been used for a long time in Peru for treating asthma, ulcer and cancer (“Nature’s Biggest Sellers” Newsweek, November 6, 1995, page 68). With the anti-inflammatory properties, they have found use in the treatment of arthritis (Journal of Natural Products, 54, 1991: Page 453).

The assessment of predisposition to cancer is made through the analysis of mutagenic activity in the urine (the ability to create genetic mutations). A study of a group of smokers showed that, following treatment with Cat ‘s Claw , the urine of smokers showed a significant reduction in the activity mutagenic.

The alkaloids of the Cat ‘s Claw have a strong immunostimulatory effect to help the white blood cells and macrophages to devour foreign agents and micro-organisms. (Steinberg, Phillip N., C.N.C., “Cat’s Claw Update (Uncaria Tomentosa): That Wondrous Herb from the Peruvian Rain Forest,” Townsend Letter for Doctors, August/September, 1995).

Uncaria Tomentosa

Cat’s claw, called in Spanish “una de gato” is a giant woody liana that grows in the Amazonian provinces of Peru. It is named like this because the thorns of the plant resemble to the claws of a cat.

Portions of bark is harvested for its natural constituents without destroying the entire plant, thereby protecting the Amazon ecosystem. This product has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine for its unique properties.


4:1 extract of Uncaria tomentosa 125 mg (equivalent of 500 mg of Cat’s Claw powder)

It does not contain: diary products, egg, artificial preservatives, colorants, yeast, artificial sweeteners, wheat, soybean or corn.


Recommended way of use: take 2 capsules three times a day.


  • Do not use in case of pregnancy or after childbirth!
  • Do not use together with anti-ulcer medications!
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose!
  • Keep out of sight and reach of children under 3 years!
  • Food supplements do not substitute a varied and balanced diet!

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