• Urinary Protocol
  • Uriseptin with D-Mannose
  • Herbal Diuretic

Urinary Protocol

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The Urinary Protocol is designed to work on two planes

  1. Elimination of bacteria deposited on the walls of the urethra by a forte dose of Vaccinium marcocarpum.
  2. It cleanses the urinary system by a strong diuretic effect.

Package / protocol content

Uriseptin with D-Mannose

Uriseptin with D-Mannose

Dietary supplement, adjuvant for urinary tract infections. Recommended for urinary infections, persistent or recurrent cystitis caused by E. coli infection.

1 bottle

Herbal Diuretic

Herbal Diuretic

A traditional mix of concentrated plant powders which diminish the retention of water in the body along with the simultaneous “washing” of the urinary system.

1 bottle

A (1) bottle of each product is included in the price of the protocol.



  • During the course of the day a minimum of 2 liters of liquids will be consumed.

Before ordering this protocol please consult your nutritionist / doctor

*The results may vary from person to person, it is not mandatory to get the promised results mentioned on the site, or those already obtained by the persons who submitted their testimonials.