Vitamin B7 Biotin (Vitamin H)

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An essential but often neglected vitamin

Also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, Biotin is part of the B-complex vitamins. Biotin is essential for healthy skin, nails, hair and also provides power to nerve cells. Biotin is involved in fat metabolism, directing some of them to the skin, fat is necessary for healthy skin. Because of its role in metabolic conversion of sugar into energy, Biotin can be incorporated in alternative treatment of diabetes by lowering the effect of glucose (blood sugar). Biotin plays an essential role in protein synthesis and DNA in cell replication.

Unfortunately, biotin is not easily found in foods, the so-called “healthy foods” such as fruits and vegetables. Vegetarians are therefore exposed to a deficiency of biotin.

Smooth skin, shiny and thick hair need Biotin (vitamin B7). Biotin is generated by the body’s own intestines from certain foods by the special action of an enzyme called “Co A carboxylase acetylase” and in the presence of a healthy intestinal flora. Unfortunately, our diet of today leads to enzyme deficiencies and intestinal flora being destroyed (eg following the administration of antibiotics, which ultimately leads to Biotin deficiency with visible consequences: dry skin, obesity, accelerated ageing, more and more men with baldness, seborrhea, brittle nails, dramatic proliferation of diabetes, lack of muscle tone, apathy.

Biotin is absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, as some fat and glucose for energy production are needed to power the nervous system. Biotin deficiency leads to symptoms such as muscle twitching, lack of muscle coordination, lack of muscle tone.

Enemies of biotin

With a gut that goes wrong and bad eating habits lead to getting fatter, many women, and men would seek salvation in diets and, consequently, the important Vitamin B7 disappears completely from their diet. A diet composed exclusively of fruits and vegetables contains no biotin, as well as diets based on meat or potatoes. Who chooses a special diet and eats raw egg whites three consecutive days, loses  all the biotin in the gut, because in the egg whites can be found avidin, a protective substance, composed of proteins and carbohydrates, capable of destroying four times the amount of biotin.

Specific symptoms of Biotin deficiency may be:

The first symptoms of the B7 deficiency can be:

  • fatigue, drowsiness, depression, nervousness, irritability, convulsions;
  • skin problems: too dry skin or too oily, looking degraded;
  • hair loss, brittle hair, dandruff, premature gray;
  • neurological symptoms: pain and tingling in the legs, muscle pain, depression, decreased muscle tone, and the children there is a neuropsychiatric developmental deficit;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • anorexia, nausea, vomiting, pallor;
  • sudden infant death due to lack of biotin.

The sudden death of infants due to lack of biotin

Biotin deficiency can affect over 50% of pregnant women increasing the risk of birth defects according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2002; 75: 295-9).

Many newborns suffer because biotin deficiency. Physiologists believe that sudden infant death, to which some babies fall victim has to do largely with B7 deficiency in maternal milk. During pregnancy and breastfeeding the needs for Biotin is an average of 300 mcg per day.

Vitamin B7 associates Biotin with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a natural source rich in trace vitamin B).


Biotin (Vitamin B-7) 150 mcg
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 100 mg


Recommended way of use

As recommended by the Canadian Ministry of Health (Health Canada):

  • Adults and adolescents (14 years and older): 1 capsule 1-3 times daily.

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