• Protocol for cervical spondylosis
  • Stemulin CD34+
  • SERRA PLUS / Serapeptase 60 capsules
  • HYA 300 - Super Pure Hyaluronic Acid
  • Wild Salmon Collagen
  • Arthro-FLX Forte

Protocol for cervical spondylosis

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Monday – Sunday: 08:00 – 21:00
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This protocol aims to:

  • inflammation
  • tissue degeneration caused by inflammation
  • compaction and destruction of cartilage in the cervical area 

Leading to:

  • elimination of pain caused by inflammation
  • regeneration, lubrication and elasticity of tissues and cartilage

Content / Package composition

Stemulin CD34+


Stimulates the production of CD34 + hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow to replace damaged or diseased cells.

1 bottle

SERRA PLUS / Serapeptase 60 capsules

Serra Plus

Digests protein, cleanses the circulatory system, dissolves fibrin (protein accumulations) and blood clots.

2 bottles

HYA 300 - Super Pure Hyaluronic Acid


Extracted from coconut ridge, the essential tissue lubricant. Recommended for young skin and healthy joints.

1 bottle

Omega 3 - Wild Salmon Oil

Wild Salmon Collagen

Recommended for degenerative problems in joints, ligaments, tendons. Fight against aging, against wrinkles.

1 bottle

Arthro-FLX Forte


Recommended dietary supplement for the following conditions: arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, discopathy, herniated disc, lumbosciatica, lumbar stenosis.

1 bottle

NOTE: Additional recommended products are not included in the protocol price.
NOTE: The protocol price includes products for one month (30 days) of administration.


Recommended duration 1-2 months followed by reassessment.

  • STEMULIN – 3 / day, all 3 administered in the evening 15-30 minutes before bedtime
  • SERRA PLUS – 4 / day (2-2) on an empty stomach, between main meals for 1 week then reduce the dose to 2 / day (1-1)
  • HYA-300 HUALURONIC ACID – 3 / day, all 3 taken together or a few minutes after  STEMULIN
  • WILD SALMON COLLAGEN – 3 / day (1-1-1) on an empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before main meals
  • ARTHRO FLX – 4 / day (2-2) between meals


  • It is recommended to continue the continuous administration of STEMULIN 3 capsules / day approximately 30 minutes before bedtime for a period of at least 6 months to achieve deep and lasting regenerative effects on the body.

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*The results may vary from person to person, it is not mandatory to get the promised results mentioned on the site, or those already obtained by the persons who submitted their testimonials.